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Pentaho Community
Pentaho BI Server
PDI (Kettle)
Report Designer
Aggregation Designer
Schema Workbench
Metadata Editor
CI Builds
Source Code
Community Forums
IRC (##pentaho @ Freenode)
Estas son, por ejemplo, las novedades de PDI (Kettle) que nos comenta Jens Bleuel:
PDI Community Edition includes the following new feature:

Pentaho Community
Pentaho BI Server
PDI (Kettle)
Report Designer
Aggregation Designer
Schema Workbench
Metadata Editor
CI Builds
Source Code
Community Forums
IRC (##pentaho @ Freenode)
Estas son, por ejemplo, las novedades de PDI (Kettle) que nos comenta Jens Bleuel:
PDI Community Edition includes the following new feature:
- Inline Help links on transformation steps and job entries
- Simplified looping – call jobs and transformations within a transformation and loop through the rows
- Better previewing with dedicated window in run tab
- Detailed timing metrics for low level operations – helps to analyze bottle necks in more detail, e.g. database connect & query time vs. transformation time
- Extended monitoring of sub jobs and transformations in the Carte- and DI-Server (Expand remote job option)
- Introduction of REST services (Carte and DI-Server)
- Several new Transformation Steps and Job Entries including: Splunk input/output, Table compare, ZIP file, OpenERP input/output, Telnet, Nagios traps…
- Lots of new configuration options for tuning the engine back-ends
- Marketplace – Share and/or download new plug-ins
- A series of new plugin systems to make it easier to extend Kettle (data types, extension points, carte servlets, logging tables, step-to-step row distributions…)
- and many more…