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To keep trackof users andmarketingcampaigns, professionals arefacing withthe problemof having toaccess variousonlineanalytical tools that arenotdevelopedconsideringthe individual needs ofthese professionals andothercommon needs, soonlycan analyze the informationin a limited way.Furthermore, making thistrack usersacross theseplatforms, the information isdistributed and decentralizedwithout allowingcrossingit.
FromStratebi, we have mixedthe potential offree andopen sourceBI tools with data from variousinternetsources(Facebook, Twitter,Blogs, Youtube, LinkedIn,GoogleAnalytics,Comscore, Omniture...) to create afully customized solutionwho can answerthe mostvarious performance indicators(KPIs)thatthe professional iswillingto analyzeinternetandsocial networks, allowingto mixand analyze datafrom different perspectives.