Here you can find an updated list of main business intelligence open source tools. If you know any other, don´t hesitate to write us
- Talend, including ETL, Data quality and MDM. Versions OS y Enterprise
- Pentaho, including Kettle, Mondrian, JFreeReport and Weka. Versions OS y Enterprise
- BIRT, for reporting
- Seal Report, for reporting
- LinceBI, including Kettle, Mondrian, STDashboard, STCard and STPivot
- Jasper Reports, including iReport. Versions OS y Enterprise
- Jedox Base, Palo core and Jedox Base. Versions OS y Enterprise
- Saiku, for OLAP Analysis, including Mondrian. Versions OS y Enterprise
- SpagoBI, including Talend, Mondrian, JPivot and Palo
- Knime, including Knime connectors
- Kibana, for elasticsearch data